Welcome to Within

Within was created to be a space for authentic and vulnerable self-talk. A space for you to release the thoughts and experiences in your mind that aren't helpful to you and reframe them with self-affirmations. We believe that all people desire to live in emotional freedom and authenticity, but often we wrestle with emotions and thought patterns that keep us disconnected from our true essence. Sometimes we don't even realize it.

We think the most powerful transformation tool is the human voice. It was our caregiver's voice that shaped us before we were ever born, and the voice of our peers, media and culture that continue to influence us to this day. In some ways, helpful and others not so much. So we set out to create a space where we could actively take that power back and realize everything we truly need is within us.

This space is designed for you to do your own emotional self-care while knowing you are not alone, because others are doing their work right alongside you in the community. It's a reminder that we are all a part of a collective human experience. We all feel emotions, no one is perfect, and we all have the ability to help each other by simply sharing our own vulnerable thoughts, emotions and experiences.

Understanding the App

Self-talk sessions

We call your in-app audio recordings “self-talk sessions.” Self-talk sessions are made of 3 parts: reflection, identification & affirmation.

  1. A reflection is what you bring into the app in real time. Something is on your mind and heart and you are choosing to say it out loud to interrupt a thought pattern or sensation in your body. You can record a reflection with your voice for up to 60 seconds.

  2. After you’ve recorded your reflection, you move into identification. This is where you select your primary emotion from our feelings selection guide. Then you can tag it for additional context. You’ll end up with “anxious” about “work” or “sad” about “future” etc. Naming your emotion accurately helps you more effectively manage, process and move through them.

  3. Next you’re prompted to give yourself an affirmation. An affirmation is you talking to you as you would to a friend. How can you uplift, offer perspective or simply show kindness to what you just heard. Specifically talking to yourself in the third-person, saying things like “It sounds like you’re really angry about your relationship…” can improve your ability to give yourself the kind of love and support you need.

  4. Bonus: Listen back to the session, save it and if you’re comfortable to, share it with the community as an act of release, and contribute to the collective healing of humanity.


This is an anonymous and asynchronous experience. Community sessions in our app are the session that other users have chosen to mark as public for the benefit of others and an act of release for themselves. Come back as often as you like to hear what people are navigating in their own lives. This is a judgement free zone. We invite all listeners to listen with curiosity and openness. There is no commenting or liking only listening and bookmarking to listen again in the future.

Quick Start Guide:

  • Use your voice to process emotions and thoughts through guided self-talk sessions

  • Make any session you record public to help others in the community or keep it private

  • Even when you set a session to public, you’ll never hear your own voice in the community

  • You can change your sessions from private to public and vice versa at any time

  • Listen to the public self-talk sessions of others to expand your own awareness

  • Come back often to hear how you evolve over time and see how the community is feeling

Session Tips:

  • Do lead with vulnerability about how you feel

  • Do treat yourself with respect and loving kindness

  • Do listen to the sessions of others with openness and compassion

  • Do (when in session) refer to people in your life by the nature of the relationship (brother, boss, friend etc) and avoid proper names