Why Within?

The reality is, life is not easy. A full human experience contains a variety of emotions, some delightful and others difficult. There is no way around it. We have to go through it, even when it's hard. The better we get at processing our emotions, the more vitality we will feel in our everyday lives. This isn't about avoiding strong or difficult emotions, but rather not being driven by them. They matter, but the you who experiences them matters more.

Within was created for authentic and vulnerable self talk, in a space of communal anonymity. A small reminder that you are not alone in how you feel. This is your space to release the thoughts that arise in your mind and create enough separation so you can reflect on them rather than be driven by them. Particularly the ones that lead to behaviors and actions that do not help you live the life you want.

One of the most powerful transformation tool is the human voice. It was the voice of our caregivers that shaped us before we were ever born, and the voice of our peers, media and culture that continue to influence us to this day. In some ways, helpful and others not so much.

Within is about reclaiming your authentic voice. The one you were born with. It’s the finger print of the inner you. Your essence. So be bold, speak your truth, let go of whatever is weighing you down and speak words that affirm your core values as you discover them over time. We call these moments self-talk sessions.

The asynchronous community aspect of this app is here to help you gain perspective and to ground you in the collective consciousness of humanity. No matter what we are dealing with, it's not unique to you. Someone somewhere out there has felt something similar to what you feel. Listen to those sessions to gain perspective. And the more you make your sessions public the richer the experience becomes for us all.

Go explore! Start with the community or dive right in and simply say what’s on your mind. If you’re curious to learn more explore our guidance on the Feelings Wheel.


Feelings Wheel